South-East European Platform to Beat Pollution (SEEPP)

Environment and Health

21/06/2021 10:00 - 11:30

About the webinar

This webinar aimed at showing linkages between the environment and human health and discuss potential solutions in the Western Balkan region by bringing experts and local stakeholders together.

The main outcomes are the following:

  1. To launch the public report ‘Air Pollution in the Western Balkans’ by UNEP.
  2. Re-launch the policy governance mechanism South East Europe Pollution Platform focusing on a regional road map to address environment and health issues, in

    accordance with the priorities identified by its members.

  3. Share recommendations and good practices from international organisations and local

    initiatives to take action on environment-health challenges.

  4. Develop a short synthesis paper of Environment and Human Health in the Western

    Balkan Countries, mapping out the national and regional priorities for action based on discussions during the events.

Video recording